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[Image © oneinchpunch – Fotolia.com]
It can be devastating when you suspect your partner or spouse is cheating on you. You ask directly, and your partner denies it. You breathe a deep sigh of relief… for a minute, or a day, or a week. Then, before you know it, your suspicions build again. This is the point where your relationship can begin to seriously erode. Anger and resentment build, intimacy can all but disappear. That gut-wrenching feeling never really goes away and you even begin to suspect you may be going crazy yourself.
If these feelings seem familiar to you, it may be time to take further action to determine whether or not your husband or wife is cheating. The good and bad news is that the signs of a cheating spouse are fairly universal.
Have You Noticed Any of These Signs of a Cheating Spouse?
After more than three decades of running a private investigation firm in Newport Beach, we’ve heard our clients report the following five signs of a cheating spouse over and over again. If your partner has exhibited more than one of them, it may be time to get the evidence you need to provide peace of mind:
- Phone habits have changed. The smartphone era has wreaked havoc for those who suspect they have a cheating wife or husband. In the landline days, frequent hang-ups were your only clue. Now, everyone has his or her own phone, and that makes it easy to be sneaky. Thus, changes in phone habits are often the best indicator of whether or not you have a cheater in the house. Typically, cheaters will change phone passwords so you no longer have access, they will leave the room to talk and text, or they will guard their smart phone screen from your eyes if you’re nearby. Your partner may also end conversations quickly or put the phone away as soon as you enter the room or vicinity.
- They start going to the gym more frequently. This is a tricky one because we all go in and out of diet and workout cycles. It could be that your partner is truly more concerned about his/her health and is hitting the gym to look and feel great. However, if you suspect your wife or husband is cheating, AND he/she starts hitting the gym with increased regularity and passion, infidelity is a distinct possibility.
- Sexual habits have changed. This is an interesting one because, in some cases, cheating spouses will cease or significantly reduce the intimate and sexual encounters they have with their committed partner. They may cite excuses that they’re tired, not feeling well, stressed out, etc. However, in other instances, the titillation they experience from their illicit affair will make them more amorous at home. Like Number 2, your suspicions, paired with one or two of these other signs, makes changes in sexual habits a more significant red flag.
- You don’t know where the money is going. All of a sudden, there is never enough money in the accounts, or not as much as there used to be. Perhaps you notice your partner is using his/her ATM card more than normal, but doesn’t have anything to show for it. Increased expenditures – the bulk of which will be in cash unless he/she is using a secret credit card account – is another sign of meals shared, hotel rooms rented, or gifts that are purchased for the mistress or lover. An extension of this includes finding receipts, packages, or evidence that jewelry, clothing, and specialty items are being purchased – but are never presented to you!
- Overtime and/or business trips have increased. In any relationship, things progress to a point where secret lunches and occasional stolen kisses are no longer enough. The other person will typically demand more and more time from your spouse, or vice versa. Thus, excuses have to be made for nights or weekends away and lost hours here and there. The easiest excuses of all are “overtime,” “working late,” or “I have another business trip…”
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Get the Evidence You Need Using an Affordable Newport Beach Private Investigator
Once you’ve decided that concrete evidence is a must, keep mum! The worst thing you can do is warn your partner or spouse that you are going to hire a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse. This lets them know you are serious and will send them underground, making it more difficult for the private investigator to get the evidence he needs.
Contact Linked Investigations if you’ve noticed signs of a cheating spouse and want to uncover the truth once and for all. We will tailor our surveillance services to your spouse’s schedule so we can use the minimum amount of time to get maximum results.