[Image © tashatuvango – Fotolia.com]
At some point in your life, you might need to hire a private investigator. Perhaps you suspect your partner is cheating on you, or you need a background check to confirm that the person you’re considering hiring is trustworthy.
As long as the investigator you contact actually knows the business, asks the right questions, and takes the time to listen to your needs, you should get a clear picture of his or her expertise and whether they are actually interested in being of service to you.
A trustworthy private eye should be willing to offer an informative and free private consultation. They should also give you some idea on the costs involved for the service you require. Generally, a professional private investigator charges an hourly rate with a four-hour minimum for each time they go out on a surveillance. That fee should include a detailed report and billing statement – as well as video and pictures when requested – at no additional cost to you.
Private investigators who are experienced at surveillance, or who can find someone with relative ease, can save you both time and money. A good skip tracing company or skip tracer can be a valuable asset here. Since the prices charged and quality of information uncovered can vary widely from one service to another, it’s important to be diligent about who you choose to work with on your sensitive case.
All of this information and more can be discussed with us in a free, no-obligation consultation. We are ready to assist you and answer your questions.
Call us at 714-432-9911, or toll-free at 877-464-5374, and ask for Mike Garroutte, a long-time professional private investigator in Southern California. He”ll help you get the answers you need. You can also contact us online if you’d prefer.